Friday, February 20, 2009

Recovery Week...Kinda!

Riding has been on the down low this week. It seems like the 24-Hour took more out of me than what I expected. I took Monday completely off and by completely I mean that I barely got up to eat and pee. This was mostly because my left foot was really swollen from my encounter with the barrel cactus before the start of the race, but my legs, especially my calves were really sore…probably from the LeMans start. I am definitely not a runner! So, unable to walk and very sore, I laid down most of the day with Koko. I ate when he ate and peed when he did, just not outside like him.

My foot was still to swollen on Tuesday to even get my cycling shoes on, so I didn’t ride either but I went to work. I rode on Wednesday once the swelling was gone and the legs felt good, however my throat was scratchy and I’ve had a constant cough since Monday.

Cough worsen on Thursday, so I went home early and sleep for 4 hours instead of riding for 1 hour  as coach had planned.

Today I feel better, so I’ll probably ride a little to open up the legs for the 3rd race of the MBAA series tomorrow and if time allows, I’ll clean my bike, which is as filthy as it got after Old Pueblo. Lastly, if I have something left on the legs after the Saturday race, then I’ll do the Sun Devil Crit on Sunday.

By the way, Velonews had a little write up about our race on their MTB News and recap. It’s the third article on this page, titled “1600 flock to Old Pueblo”


Thanks to all for the support!


Pura Vida!

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