Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The cereal of the Semi-Pros

I am not a big cereal fan, in fact I am not crazy about milk either, but sometimes I feel like having a bowl of cereal before a morning ride. Sometimes it’s just to replace the same PB&J sandwich or just to complement my coffee but either way it has to be really sweet, so Frosted Flakes has been my choice. The problem is that I get a quick sugar rush, and then less than an hour into my ride I start to get really hungry again. I even ventured out and tried Frosted Mini Wheats and although the sugar content is the same, the sweetness didn’t meet my expectations, so last night I tried this stuff.

Kellogg's Frosted Flakes Gold™ Energy cereal


So far, I am sold. It’s sweet enough yet, the honey (or the High Fructose Corn Syrup) seem to provide longer lasting energy without upsetting my stomach.


Aside from my sugary diet, my training is right on track for the Nationals at the end of March. I won’t have a chance to pre-ride the course, but thanks to, I got a visual turn by turn description of the course. Before that though, I still have to state races; Estrella this coming weekend and Sonoita in two weeks.


Stay tuned for more updates.


Pura Vida!



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