Thursday, February 01, 2007

I got back on the bike today...

...a stationary bike that is, but it felt good to ride for a little while.

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty busy days, with doctor's appointments, scheduling new appointments and talking to people over the phone. Yes I can finally talk over the phone. At first it was hard because my mouth muscles were not responding the way they usually do, but slowly I am getting to the normal pattern.

I also went to see my co-workers and drop off some papers at HR. It was good to get out of the house and drive to places by myself, although I got long stares from people anywhere I went. The worst was probably while waiting in line at the bank, I don't know if people were looking at my scars or they were wondering if I was going to rob the bank, since I was wearing a beanie cap to protect my bald head from the cold rain (yes it did rain again in Phoenix and it got cooler than normal).

As far as what the doctor said at the appointment, well he didn't give us chance to ask much. Plastic Surgeons must be really busy because he rushed us out of the office after spending 5 minutes taking pictures of my face and half minute removing my stiches. Anyway, we have an follow up appointment for next month. The stiches on the nose and tongue stayed and should disolve themselves in the next few days.

Dr. Huang at Chandler Dental was able to move my dentist appointment to Friday morning, early morning (7 am). He is going to try to do the root canal work this week and do the rest sometime next week. I have mixed feelings about this. I am happy because it's going to get rid of the pain but it's going to hurt a lot since most of my mouth is barely recuperating. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tonight I walked across the street to the gym room at the apartment complex and worked out on the recumbent stationary bike. It took me a little while to warm up but once I got going all the muscles and tendons starting to fire in the proper order. The heart and the lungs felt fine and my knee didn't bother me at all. I rode for a little over an hour at recovery pace (aprox. 138 BPM). Obviusly gym bikes are not the best because the pedals are further apart that they are on a regular bike. Also the saddles are always way too wide for me, so more than an hour it's a little uncomfortable.

On a high note, I've been able to eat more lately, so I am hoping to recover my all time low weight record of 132 pounds soon. I've even spent some time in the kitchen making some of my favorites. On Wednesday I made some Costa Rican Rice Pudding (I don't know what makes it Costa Rican but it sounds cool). I put some coconut and condensed milk on it as well as some cinnamon and cloves to give it some flavor. I had like three helpings that afternoon, then later I night before bed, I tried it with a few swirls of caramel was delicious. Let me know if anyone is interested on the "family secret recipe." Unfortunately the sugar rush kept me up until past 2:30 am.

That's all for now, I hope everyone is doing fine and enjoy the weekend.
It's late on Friday eve (according to Leah T), so I am going to bed.

Pura Vida!


1 comment:

Mirv said...


Just got to see the pictures for the first time-all I can say is "ouch!"

Glad you are recuperating. Your pictures show clear progress.

I've had a couple of those root canals-just make them numb you up, ask for gas (trust me it's worth it) and take your CD player along and listen to a book or cd. It helps tremendously.

Hang in there! Get better!

Mary Coons