Sunday, January 28, 2007

It's Sunday...third day of recovey

Today I woke up with a less swollen face. The pain continues but because I know it's going to take a few more days, we reduced the dose in half, that way I'll have enough pain killers until my next follow up appointment on Tuesday.

Today's diet was pretty similar. Milk and oat meal (blended), Ensure y blended soups. I was also able to eat a yoplait yougurt, the whips kind. It was the Dulce de Leche flavor and even though I had to take it out of the refrigerator for a few minutes so it wouldn't hurt my teeth, it was delicious. Not to mention it took me almost half hour to eat it, but it was the first thing I ate with a spoon (as opposed to through a straw).

Sunday's afternoon was really long. I watched TV for a while, surfed the internet looking for the race results from Saturday but were not posted, then sat to read a book that Norma gave me for Christmas "Lance Armstrong's War" but for some reason I was very crabby and didn't want to do any of those things, I even tried listening to some music but it didn't work....the solution...take a nap!ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Three hours later I woke up with a much better sense of humor and hungry. As you can imagine, I am tired of blended meals and since I had tried to chew on some potatoes from the soup earlier, before blending it; we decided a was ready for something different. Bring on the Mac n Cheese. It says to boil the pasta for 8-10 minutes, Norma boiled it for 20 to make it softer, and even though I spent more than an hour chewing two maybe three shells at the time, I was able to eat one whole bowl.

I also got a treat today, since I ate Mac n Cheese, I rewarded myself with a Coca Cola. I usually don't drink soda but for some reason I was craving the carbonated taste.

So that's how today went. Small steps but it's all getting better.




Mirv said...

Hi Jeff-

Wow. I just read your story. Incredible. I'm just so glad that you don't have any internal head injuries. I know it doesn't seem like it but it sounds like you are very lucky!

Hang in there with the pain, napping sounds like a good solution.

I'll keep checking the blog and keep pulling for you! BTW- You are pretty lucky to have Norma taking care of you! (But I'm sure you already know that!)

I'm thinking about you!

Mary Coons

Dave said...

Hey Jeff,
I'm so sorry to hear about your accident!! BUT I'm also very glad you're seemingly on the mend and (hopefully) in somewhat good spirits.

We're all thinking of you and praying you'll be back on the bike in no time! Thanks for keeping this blog.
-Dave Halvorson

Anonymous said...

Jeff - How's it going so far today? I've been thinking about you lately. You must've known I was going to ask for your help in getting ready for a class! :) Anyways, write've got the time, right? Tell Norma we think she is so awesome for all her help! Let me know if there's anything I can send you to keep you busy!
